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Chateau Sauvignon terroir

(13 min/United States)


'Chateau Sauvignon: terroir' follows the isolated adolescent son of a storied vintner family who finds himself torn between obeying his father’s callous restrictions and preventing his ailing mother from deteriorating further.

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With a decade of industry experience pitching, collaborating, consulting and assisting in various departments on projects of fluctuating scopes, from shoestring micro-budget music videos to nine-figure studio blockbusters, David M. Night Maire’s industry background is as multifaceted as it is wide-ranging. Cosmopolitan in nature, Night is a Franco-American creative independent filmmaker – Writer, Director, Producer – who’s gritty, character-driven films have received endorsements and worldwide acclaim that have allowed him to carve himself a niche within the genre-based film circuit.

Additional Credits

Director/Writer/Producer: D.M. Night Maire Director
Producer: Rob Eletto
Producer: Jayesh Hariharan
Producer: Carlos Valdivia
Key Cast: Michael Lorz
Key Cast: Sean Weil (Boardwalk Empire, Everybody Wins, She's Back)
Key Cast: Anthony del Negro (Deep In the Darkness, Slink, Beautiful Flowers, Dark Haul)
Key Cast: Nancy Nagrant (House of Cards, Delivery Man, Side Effects)
Key Cast: Pooya Mohensi

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